Nissan to introduce security features on its high-tech new models ~ Auto Review

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Nissan to introduce security features on its high-tech new models

Nissan Motors have worked hard to improve the safety equipment provided with their cars to reduce the damage caused by accident. Nissan has developed new innovative technologies that can help correct the mistakes of the driver that lead to car accidents. Some of them are predictive collision warning system before the multi-sensor system with rearview camera, removing acceleration pedal misapplication. All these features help to prevent accidents by helping drivers in various ways.

The Predictive Collision Warning system before keeps track of speed and distance of vehicles ahead of the car. If the driver goes too fast then the system signal to the driver that the car needs to be slowed down and automatically tighten the seat keeps belt.The is given in the form of a buzzer, and the screen display . Nissan developed the system to avoid accidents that occur frequently pile.

The multi detection with the backup camera was provided to warn the driver of a possible collision with other vehicles, obstacles and people on the sides and rear of the car. It will also give relevant information on road conditions around the car.

The last feature of the repression of acceleration pedal misapplication is particularly useful in confined areas where accidents are often caused due to pilot error by pressing the accelerator pedal instead of the brake. The Around View Monitor collects images of four cameras and processes the data to recognize if the car is on the road or parking. The cameras also effectively sense of obstacles and apply the brakes if a collision seems imminent.

Nissan Motors has revealed that these special safety features will be provided with all new vehicles next year. They also said that more effort should be made in these security systems to make them more effective.

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